Understanding Lactate Threshold and Its Role in Long-Distance Walking Training

For the purposes of this article, we’ll use the term Lactate Threshold (LT). This is also known as Anaerobic Threshold (AT). It’s known as AT because this is the threshold between aerobic (presence of oxygen) and anaerobic (lack of oxygen) effort.

For anyone planning to travel long distances on foot, it’s useful to delve into the concept of lactate threshold (LT) and its significance in endurance training. Long-distance walking demands not only physical stamina but also a nuanced understanding of how the body responds to prolonged exertion. In this article, we will explore what lactate threshold entails, its implications for walkers, and how targeted training methods, particularly interval training, can enhance this physiological parameter to optimize performance.

What is Lactate Threshold?

Lactate threshold refers to the intensity of exercise at which lactate production in the muscles exceeds the body's capacity to remove it, leading to a sustained increase in blood lactate concentration. Contrary to common misconceptions, lactate is not a waste product but rather a valuable energy source produced during anaerobic metabolism. However, when exercise intensity surpasses the lactate clearance rate, lactate accumulates, contributing to muscle fatigue and discomfort.

How do I know when I’ve crossed this threshold?

This is easier than we think, and while machines and monitors can tell us our heart rate and other information, the easiest way to know whether we are aerobic or anaerobic, is the Talk Test. How this works is; if you are walking at a sustainable pace and you are able to easily maintain a conversation with the person next to you. You are in an aerobic state, meaning you have enough oxygen in your system to be able to walk and talk. However, if you are going at a pace where you are breathing so hard that talking is too much effort because you can’t breathe well and talk at the same time - you’re in an anaerobic state. If you are here, you will become very fatigued quite quickly and the only way to get back to aerobic pace, is to either stop and rest, or slow down, or both. When long distance walking, the key to success is staying aerobic.

Implications for Endurance Performance

Understanding lactate threshold is pivotal for endurance athletes, including long-distance walkers, as it delineates the boundary between sustainable and unsustainable exercise intensities. Operating below the lactate threshold allows athletes to sustain prolonged efforts comfortably, as the body can effectively clear lactate, primarily through oxidation or conversion to glucose. Conversely, exceeding the lactate threshold prompts a shift towards anaerobic metabolism, leading to the accumulation of lactate and eventual fatigue.

In the context of long-distance walking, where maintaining a steady pace over extended durations is necessary, optimizing lactate threshold holds immense significance. By raising the lactate threshold, athletes can prolong the duration at which they can sustain a higher intensity without succumbing to fatigue, thus enhancing overall performance and endurance.

Training to Improve Lactate Threshold

One of the most effective strategies to enhance lactate threshold is through targeted training, with interval training being a cornerstone approach. Interval training involves alternating periods of high-intensity exercise with active recovery or lower-intensity segments. This structured approach challenges the body to adapt to higher workloads while promoting physiological adaptations which help to increase lactate threshold.

Mechanisms of Adaptation

Interval training induces several physiological adaptations that contribute to improvements in lactate threshold:

  • Enhanced Aerobic Capacity: Interval training stimulates the development of aerobic enzymes and mitochondria, crucial components involved in aerobic metabolism. This increased aerobic capacity enables the muscles to utilize oxygen more efficiently, thereby delaying the onset of lactate accumulation.

  • Improved Lactate Clearance: Interval training enhances the body's ability to clear lactate from the bloodstream by upregulating lactate transporters and enzymes involved in lactate metabolism. As a result, athletes can sustain higher exercise intensities for longer durations before lactate accumulation becomes limiting.

  • Increased Muscle Buffering Capacity: High-intensity intervals stimulate the production of buffering agents within the muscle cells, such as bicarbonate and carnosine, which help neutralize the acidic byproducts of anaerobic metabolism, including lactate. This buffering capacity minimizes the acidosis associated with lactate accumulation, delaying the onset of fatigue.

  • Muscular Endurance: Interval training enhances muscular endurance by promoting adaptations in muscle fiber recruitment and oxidative capacity. As a result, athletes can maintain higher power outputs over prolonged durations, effectively delaying the transition to anaerobic metabolism and the associated lactate accumulation.

Implementing Interval Training

When incorporating interval training to improve lactate threshold in long-distance walking training, it's essential to consider the following principles:

  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the intensity and duration of intervals over time to continually challenge the body and elicit adaptations. Start with shorter intervals at moderate intensity and gradually progress to longer intervals or higher intensities as fitness improves.

  • Individualization: Tailor interval training prescriptions to individual fitness levels, taking into account factors such as current lactate threshold, training history, and injury risk. Personalized training plans ensure optimal adaptation and minimize the risk of overtraining or injury.

  • Periodization: Incorporate structured periods of higher-intensity interval training into a periodized training plan, balancing workload and recovery to optimize performance gains while minimizing the risk of overtraining. Periodization allows for strategic manipulation of training variables to elicit specific physiological adaptations at different stages of the training cycle.

  • Recovery: Prioritize adequate recovery between interval sessions to facilitate adaptation and minimize the risk of overtraining. Incorporate active recovery activities, such as light walking or cycling, to promote blood flow and facilitate lactate clearance, aiding in recovery and readiness for subsequent training sessions.


In conclusion, lactate threshold plays a pivotal role in any aerobic endurance performance, including long-distance walking, where sustaining a steady pace over extended durations is the key factor in success. By understanding the mechanisms underlying lactate threshold and implementing targeted training strategies, such as interval training, walkers can enhance their physiological capacity to sustain higher exercise intensities and delay the onset of fatigue.

Through progressive overload (increasing volume & more intensity), individualization (training at the right level for each person), periodization (phased training), and prioritizing recovery, walkers can optimize training and maximize performance gains on their journey towards accomplishing long-distance walking goals.